For this entire school year we have done everything possible to keep our students and staff safe while prioritizing in-person learning. This work has been a tremendously lift by our entire community and has relied upon the following actions and strategies:
Of all the safety and risk mitigation measures and efforts implemented, none has been more impactful than masking. The science and the data support this, and we stand behind it. We will continue to follow the science and rely on our Medical Advisory Board to help guide policies and procedures. To be clear, regardless of the political action in Madison, masks will be required in all schools for anyone entering a facility in the School District of Elmbrook.
We are grateful for the continued support of County Executive Paul Farrow and State Legislators including Senator Dale Kooyenga, Representatives Robyn Vining and Sara Rodriguez who are equally committed to Staying Safe to Stay Open and were in opposition to the mask mandate repeal.