Cte credential requirements california

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Designated Subjects Credentials

Adult Education-Career Technical Education-Supervision and Coordination Credentials

Every child is entitled to effective, resourceful and innovative teachers and administrators. Credential programs facilitate growth in teacher candidates to develop reflective and culturally-sensitive practices that catalyze high academic achievement.

LACOE-CTE is an approved Commission on Teacher Credentialing Program Sponsor for the Designated Subjects Credentials in Career Technical Education, Adult Education, and Supervision and Coordination. In collaboration with the University of San Diego, we provide a sequence of coursework that prepares candidates to become successful and effective Adult Education and Career Technical Education teachers, supervisors and coordinators.

Please contact our office at 562-922-6798 if you need information about Designated Subjects Credentials or wish to drop off a credential application. Applications can be mailed to:
Linda Skipper, LACOE-CTE Credential Services
9300 Imperial Highway
Downey, CA 90242 The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) may be contacted via email at credentials@ctc.ca.gov or via their live chat link (available Monday-Friday, 12 pm to 4 pm).


  1. How to Apply for a Designated Subjects Credential
  2. Credential Resources

The application materials differ depending on whether you are considered a first-time applicant in California. Below, please find descriptions of all forms below, followed by all application forms in the table.

Packet #1: CTE Preliminary Designated Subjects - First-Time Applicant
This form is for first-time applicants (even if you hold a credential in another state, you are still considered a first-time applicant in California).

Packet #2: CTE Preliminary Designated Subjects - Credential on File with CTC
This form is for applicants with a valid Educator's Credential, Certificate and/or Permit on file with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)

Packet #3: Adult Education Preliminary (Academic or non-Academic) Designated Subjects - First-Time Applicant
This form is for first-time applicants (even if you hold a credential in another state, you are still considered a first-time applicant in California).

Packet #4: Adult Education Preliminary (Academic or non-Academic) Designated Subjects - Credential on File with CTC
This form is for applicants with a valid Educator's Credential, Certificate and/or Permit on file with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)

Packet #5: Career Technical Education "Clear" Designated Subjects
This form is for applicants "clearing" a Preliminary CTE Credential after completing all coursework and credential requirements.

Packet #6: Adult Education "Clear" Designated Subjects
This form is for applicants "clearing" a Preliminary Adult Education Credential after completing all coursework and credential requirements (only for Preliminary AE Credentials issued after January 31, 2013 under "new regulations").

Packet #7: Supervision and Coordination
This form is for applicants with a clear full-time AE or CTE credential who have completed the Level 3 course and the CBEST (California Basic Education Skills Test). [Note: This credential is accepted only by some ROCPs and Adult Schools for specific supervisory positions.]

Packet #8: Preliminary AE and CTE Credential Extensions
If you currently have a teaching position, you may apply for a one-year extension through LACOE if you meet the CTC guidelines. If you are not teaching, you may let your preliminary AE or CTE credential expire and then apply for a clear credential once you have completed the requirements.

U.S. Constitution Requirement
Passage of the U.S. Constitution is required for the Clear Designated Subjects Adult Education and Career Technical Education credentials. Detailed information is provided on the attachment.